Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Anarchists Against the Wall coming to Peoria Theater

AATW are conducting a speaking tour to raise money for legal fees and penalties levied against them for their direct actions against the wall Israel is constructing in the Occupied West Bank.  They're going to be speaking about their work in Palestine & Israel this Wednesday.

More info here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New flier for FNB Peoria

My girlfriend and FNB ally designed this nifty flyer for us to use!  Feedback is welcome.  She said she might revise it because it looks too busy.  What do you think?

She's also making a version like this without our specific information for use by other FNB groups.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Inaugural Post by Ryan

This blog is an attempt to keep concerned persons appraised of the happenings and goings-on in FNB Peoria.  There is already a poorly designed site detailing background information and telling people what we do.  I thought I might as well throw together this blog to see if it proved to be of some use.  Periodic updates will follow.  Their frequency and content is uncertain, but anything that is posted will be useful information.  

The week before last, a two people expressed concern that the food had little taste.  I informed them that, although we aren't chefs, we'll try harder to make the meals more flavorful with the resources at our disposal.  

That same week, because it was just me and Mrs. Offutt from the UU church, we dropped off the leftovers at the shelter up the street on Adams.   They were happy to take them.  Should we continue to do this with leftovers that will go bad within a short amount of time that no one wants to take home with them?
